Our Learning Ethos, Aims & Values
Our Mission Statement:
We believe that confidence, self esteem and strong moral values are the keys to successful futures; that all children can make a difference in the world they live. Therefore at HPACP we develop a 'can-do' attitude; empowering every member of the school family to embrace challenge, take risks and aspire to achieve to their full potential.
Our Ethos
Learning is at the heart of all we do; learning for children, staff and parents. Our ethos is embedded in our belief that high expectations achieve high outcomes! We also believe in building confidence by giving children opportunities to achieve through challenging and creative learning experiences.
However, academic attainment is not enough. We want to grow children who care enough to make a difference in the world. Therefore, we emphasise strong moral values which together form the daily diet at Harris Coleraine Park.
Our teachers and leaders are ambitious for the children and families of Harris Primary Academy Coleraine Park.
We have high expectations for behaviour and learning and therefore high expectations of outcomes for children.
We want to raise standards and expectations by making sure that, whatever a child’s background or starting point is, they finish Year 6 with the academic skills, social skills and knowledge necessary to succeed.
This is brought about by having systems and processes that ensure good behaviour; engaging and rigorous teaching; learning and assessment combined with detailed monitoring of achievement and personalised target setting.
Teachers know exactly where each child is in terms of achievement and have stretching targets for them. Whenever a child needs extra support, we plan work for them in small groups or on a one-to-one basis to give them the additional tuition they require.
Children with identified Special Educational Need or disability will be assessed to be included on the Special Educational Needs register. Provision for these children is then mapped to ensure that they are able to access the full range of curriculum opportunities to progress and succeed.
Our aim is that each of our students should be able to hit the ground running when they begin secondary school.
We also want to be available to our pupil's parents/guardians when they need to speak to us about any concerns, worries or updates you feel you may need. In the first instance please contact your child's teacher or the office manager on info@harrisprimarycolerainepark.org.uk should you wish to make contact with someone at the school and he will direct you accordingly.
For any queries relating to SEN(D) matters, please mark your correspondence for the attention of Deborah Hollingsworth and she will respond to you as a matter of priority.